You do not need to have Scourge Of Armagon installed for this to work. This is to enable the Scourge Of Armagon HUD layout that we have utilized for our powerups and weapons. Note that when you run the pak, add to your quake engine command line:Īnd not simply -game quoth. The content is contained in pak0.pak and pak1.pak The next update will, obviously, be pak2.pak This download contains all previous releases plus the latest patch, pak0, pak1, and pak2 together.Ĭreate a subfolder in your /quake directory called /quoth. Download this if you already have the first part of Quoth installed. This download contains just the second release and the patch, pak1 and pak2. This download contains just the latest patch, pak2.ĭownload this if you already have everything prior to the patch installed.